NES Appeal for Support for the Passage of NIEP Bill as Prof. Lawrence I.N Ezemonye takes a bow from NES Leadership
The Nigerian Environmental Society (NES) at its 29th Annual Conference/AGM request for support from all well-meaning stakeholders to ensure that the Bill for an Act to establish the Institute of Environmental Practitioners of Nigeria (NIEP) is passed into law in the 9th Assembly.
The Bill which was successfully passed in both Chambers during the 8th Assembly and transmitted for Presidential Assent was never declined but lapsed due to time.
The Nigerian Environmental Society has been in the forefront for the establishment of an institute that will be a cesspool of trained and skilled environmental practitioners, experts, scholars and professionals that would be committed to standardizing environmental activities and practice in Nigeria. The Bill according to the Immediate Past National President of the Society, Prof. Lawrence Ikechukwu Ezemonye (FNES) is intended to regulate and professionalize environmental practice and practitioners in Nigeria. The Institute will also conduct studies, diagnose and recommend solutions to the multiple environmental challenges in the country.
The Bill is presently receiving attention for re-passage in the 9th Assembly and just recently passed through second reading in the House of Representatives and has been referred to the Committee of Whole.